If you’ve ever hunched over your laptop to fire away an urgent e-mail or report, you’ll know the bad posture will come back to hurt your back one day.
Now, a project on Kickstarter is looking to help tilt your laptop at an angle with a simple add-on kit, so you can sit more upright as you type.
The Veego Stand attaches to the back of your laptop to tilt it at an angle of 10 to 15 degrees, letting you type in a more comfortable position.
Made of a patented aluminium and polymer core material, it promises to be both strong yet light. It weighs just 83 grams, or a box of paper clips, so it doesn’t add much heft to your portable PC.

If you’re worried about the Veego Stand’s metallic surface sliding off a table, there’s even a piece of cork you can add to the gadget to keep it in place.
Essentially, it helps to make people hunch less as they type, relieving the stress they place on their spine. The injuries one could get from bad posture are no joke (trust me, I suffered a slipped disc in my previous job).
Other gadgets are often bulky and hard to set up, so Veego Stand hopes to find an answer for folks who want something simple and light to carry around, whether in an office or a coffee shop.

The gadget is the brainchild of engineer Kelvin Sim, who moved from Singapore to Vancouver, Canada this year and decided to turn to crowdfunding to launch his project.
So far, it has reached more than half of its goal of CA$25,000. It has 16 more days to convince backers to pledge the funds to get it produced.
At the time of writing, you can still back Veego Stand for CA$49. If the project is funded, you get have the stand shipped to you by February or March 2018.