and their Cloud 2.0 vision
Every good story needs a hero and a villain. In's case,…
Do-it-yourself: Update your Nexus One to ver 2.2 aka Froyo
Here's why you might want to do it yourself instead of waiting…
HTC Desire in Singapore end May 2010, goes for S$898
The twin of the highly-successful Google Nexus One is hitting shops here…
Some users blocked from accessing Asiaone
Net surfers heading to Asiaone, the Singapore Press Holdings site offering a…’s Chatter and the enterprise social networking market
The future of business collaboration is in web-based social networks, and software…
MeeGo steering group easing platform concerns?
Valtteri Halla, the Nokia member of the MeeGo Technical Steering Group recently…
Linux OS – A Rose By Any Other Name
I wrote a piece for the Sunday Times published today about the…
Commentary: The anti-virus market
The anti-virus (AV) market is increasingly getting to be a difficult business…
Microsoft vs Google: Fight!
There has always been rivalry in the tech industry, but it's not…
Buzz vs Facebook, and my seduction by Google
The Internet has been abuzz with Google's announcement of Buzz, their new…
Microsoft’s Creative Destruction?
A must-read for everyone. Written by an ex-MS employee, this guy shares…
iNETS mobile: Would you use this?
NETS, the Singapore electronic payment vendor, just launched their iNETS mobile service,…
What’s Google really doing in China?
Is Google really for a higher ideal - "human rights implications" -…
Street View turned on in Singapore
Tiny Singapore finally joins the ranks of countries with Street View today,…
It’s better because it’s open source?
By now, few people in the IT industry would dispute the benefits…
Google Maps packs in the data with LTA and Quantum Inventions
Yes, Google has spoken… when it comes to improving its map's accuracy…
Google Maps in Singapore partners with the Land Transport Authority
Techgoondu is heading down Thursday morning for an announcement by Google and…
Google voice search for your phone
Voice search for your phone - sounds good yeah? I thought so…
S$77 for Windows 7 tonight – for the first 177
There's a fabulous deal for Windows 7 tonight at the Singapore launch…