Samsung Omnia vs HTC Touch Diamond – fight!
As the hype from the 3G iPhone rests a little, the spotlight…
Need for “fuller” number portability?
As a letter writer in the ST Forum mentioned today, full number…
HTC Touch Diamond sold out everywhere
It's the latest sign that the "touch-screen" fad is heating up to…
Touch-screen phones galore
Late post here for CommAsia, as you'd expect the stories with ST…
Two-factor authentication for e-Govt services
It's CommunicAsia week this week, and the tech reporters here at the…
Best deal at PC Show?
There's Xbox 360 going for S$399 with freebies like Webcam and charger,…
Let the battles begin
One day (or rather hours) before the number port exercise kicks in,…
iPhone next-gen? You gotta be kidding
Sorry, stole that headline from elsewhere... but it's exactly how i feel:…
Is SingTel deal with iPhone really exclusive?
We've been led to believe that SingTel will be "first" to have…
Number port on Fri 13th… what plan to choose?
Finally, full mobile number portability comes to Singapore on this Friday 13th.…
ATI and Nvidia news heat up as new graphics cards to debut this month
After some quiet for a while, AMD and Nvidia seem to be…
iPhone 3G (hype) comes to Singapore (via SingTel)
So, after months and months of hype, finally the 3G iPhone comes…
Introducing a tech news blog for geeks and goodus
What do a few tech hacks in Singapore have in common? A…